Jerry (Zhi-Yang) He

Publish under Jerry Zhi-Yang He/Zhi-Yang He

hzyjerry at berkeley edu
[CV][Google Scholar]

I am a coterm student at Stanford. My interests are building safe and reliable robotic system that can work in the complex real world. I enjoy coffee, music, running & basketball, Jiu-Jitsu, and spending time with my girlfriend.


Stanford University
Sep. 2018 - Jun. 2019 (projected), Computer Science M.S.
• GPA: 3.95/4.00
Sep. 2014 - Jun. 2018, Computer Science B.S. (honor), Electrical Engineering Minor
• Major GPA: 3.90/4.00, Overall: 3.85/4.00

I work closely with Prof. Silvio Savarese, Dr. Amir Zamir and Prof. Dorsa Sadigh at Stanford SVL and ILIAD. In the past I had the luck to work at: Stanford Vision and Learning Lab (RA; 2017-2018) mentored by Prof. Silvio Savarese and Dr. Amir Zamir, at MuleSoft (intern; 2016) mentored by Wai Ip and at Stanford Mobisocial Lab (RA; 2015) mentored by Prof. Monica Lam and Prof. Jiwon Seo.



Selected Projects

  • Gibson Environment
    I co-led the development of a simulation platform for Real-World Active Perception Learning.
    [ Website | Code | Paper ]
  • ThingPedia
    Opens-ource Platform For Personalized Internet of Things Summer research with Prof. Monica Lam
  • Unifile
    Semantic File Navigation System, CS 294S class project